Monday- Finish Excel Lesson 3 Apply
Tuesday- Excel Lesson 4 Try
Wednesday- Excel Lesson 4 Apply
Thurdsay/Friday- Excel Lesson 5 Practice and Apply
Monday- Finish Excel Lesson 3 Apply
Tuesday- Excel Lesson 4 Try
Wednesday- Excel Lesson 4 Apply
Thurdsay/Friday- Excel Lesson 5 Practice and Apply
Monday/Tuesday- Typing Club through lesson #274.
Wednesday/Thursday/Friday- Microsoft Word Lesson 26 Apply A, Apply B, and Try A
Monday/Tuesday- Microsoft Word Lesson 25 Try- Using Format Painter, Highlights, Symbols, and Quick Parts.
Wednesday/Thursday- Lesson 25 Practice and Apply
Friday- Begin Lesson 26.
Monday and Tuesday- Microsoft Word Lesson 21- Formatting a One-Page Report. Assignments TryA and TryB, and Apply.
Wednesday and Thursday- Microsoft Word Lesson 22- Managing Sources and Controlling Text Flow- TryA and TryB, and Practice.
Friday- Make sure any assignment from this week is finished and completed before Thanksgiving break!
Monday and Tuesday- Microsoft Word Lesson 18: Improving a Document with Find and Replace and Autocorrect
Wednesday and Thursday- Microsoft Word Lesson 19: Working with Templates and Different File Types
Friday- Vocab for Microsoft Word Lesson 20 and 21
Monday-Wednesday- Students are working on and completing Microsoft Word Lesson 17: Performing Calculations in a Table. This will be used as a test grade
Thursday and Friday- Microsoft Word Lesson 18: Improving a Document with Find and Replace and Autocorrect
Monday- Lesson 15Apply “Aligning Tables”
Tuesday/Wednesday- Lesson 16Try “Drawing a Table”
Thursday- Begin project/test grade over lesson 17- “Performing Calculations in a Table”
Friday- Continue Lesson 17
Monday- NO SCHOOL!
Tuesday- Microsoft Word Lesson 13- “Copying a Selection” and complete Word Lesson 13Apply
Wednesday/Thursday – Microsoft Word Lesson 14- “Inserting a Table” and complete Word Lesson 14Try
Friday- Microsoft Word Lesson 15- “Aligning Tables” and complete Word Lesson 15Apply
Week of 10/9 – 10/13
Monday- Typing Club through Lesson 191
Tuesday/Wednesday- Microsoft Word Lesson 11 Try B- Checking Spelling and Grammar
Thursday/Friday- Microsoft Word Lesson 12 Try and Practice
Monday-Wednesday: Students are working on their “House for Sale” flyer project. Must be turned in Wednesday at midnight.
Thursday: Begin Microsoft Word Lesson 11
Friday: Continue Microsoft Word Lesson 11- Google Classroom Assignments